California Adventure-Day 8

Today we woke up and played with our cousins! It was so much fun to watch David, Jonathan, Kastle, and Cannon all play together! A lot of pictures were taken and I will eventually post the California pictures!  After breakfast we let the kids play outside for a while and then we put them all to bed around 11.  After nap time we fed them lunch and then we headed over to this frozen yogurt place and to see some ducks! We let the kids run around for a while until about 2:45 when we had to leave to go pick up Hannah and Caleb from school.  After we picked them up from school we went to this really cool park with water structures that the kids can play in.  Everyone had so much fun and by the time we left there we could tell that is was definitely going to be an early bedtime for all the young ones! We got home and fed the kids dinner and gave them baths in the kitchen sink and then at 6:15 we put all the little ones in bed! Once they were in bed we were able to sit back relax, drink some wine, eat some dinner and just sit! I am wiped out and ready to head to bed!!

California Adventure-Day 7

The boys woke up at their bright and early normal time of 6:45! I was exhausted because I went to bed at 11:30 which is WAY past my bedtime! Whew! Luckily we had nothing really planned this morning! We played in the backyard for a while and then at about 10, me the boys, my mom, and Sarah went to the bagel bakery to meet up with Shiloh, her kids, and Kimberly! It was so fun to catch up and see each other.  David and Brit got along great and were instant friends.  After bagel bakery the moms dropped off me, Shiloh, Sarah, and all the kids at a park in Dublin to let the boys run off some energy.  After the my mom and Kimberly were done running errands they picked us up at the park and we went back to my parents house.  I laid Jonathan down and Brit, David and Lily played in the backyard.  Bree came over with her boyfriend and all of us hung out for about 2 hours.  At about 2 Shiloh and I and the kids went to Dan and Melissa’s little girls 1st birthday party.  At first it was a little awkward pulling up seeing people who I have not seen for a while but once we got the kids out and started saying hello to everyone it was like we had never spent time apart.  We left there at about 4.   I went home feed the boys dinner, bathed them, and packed a bag for us to go see our family in Sacramento.  We left at 6 to go and see Kari, Brian’s older sister, her husband and their 4 kids and Brian’s youngest sister Caitlin who is living with them this semester.  The drive was not that bad expect I had no idea that the toll is 5 DOLLARS!!!! Oh my gosh I could not believe it.  I pulled up to the toll with 3 dollars and when I saw that is was 5 dollars I honestly almost cried.  I asked the guy what I should do and that I had no idea the toll cost that much.  He said that they would send me a bill for 30 dollars!!!! I had  no choice but to drive through and then pray and pray that they don’t send m a 30 dollar bill!!!  The car that we are borrowing from Renee has no radio in it so my Mom let me borrow her iPod but of course the battery died in Sacramento which just happened to be the time that Jonathan started to cry until we reached their house! Once we got their the boys said hi and played for a while and then off to bed!  So good to see them!  I love them!

California Adventure-Day 6

Today is the big wedding day! Hooray! I had the whole morning to relax and hang out before Bree and Kimberly came over to do my hair and make up at 12.  I had to be dressed, ready and at the wedding site at 2.  My dress was a smidge small in the top so Kimberly had a great idea to put rice in zip lock baggies and stuff my bra, and so I did!! I still had to safety-pin it for it to stay up, and it still kept falling down all night long.  At least I had rice to throw at Tannya and Chris as they left!! Oh and a full looking chest! The wedding was beautiful and Tannya and Chris were so happy that this day had finally come! We danced and laughed and had a great time until they finally left around 11! And now I am exhausted! Whew . . .

California Adventure-Day 5

Today we had another laid back morning! I love these mornings! The boys played outside all morning long! I fed them lunch outside and then put them down for a nap.  While they napped I got ready for the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner for my friend’s wedding.  We had the rehearsal at 4:30 and then drove over to play bocci ball at this really cute place in Livermore.  I had a great time catching up with an old friend, Allison.  It’s so great to have relationships were you can just pick up right where you left off!  We played bocci ball for a bit with wine and appetizers and then sat down to a really nice dinner! It was a fun night! I am so blessed to be a part of Tannya and Chris’ wedding! I could not be more happy for them!

California Adventure-Day 4

Today we didn’t have much planned! We walked to Starbucks with Auntie Sarah which was a lot of fun and a good time to catch up with her! When we got home the boys went down for a nap and Sarah and I watched Dear John together.  When the boys got up we headed to Danville to pick up cousin Bailey so that she could babysit the boys while Renee colored my hair! It was a nice treat because it is rare that I get time to myself! So I got home around 7:30 and put David to bed.  My parents were out to dinner but they brought me some food back around 9.  I ate that and went to bed! Today was a good day to just hang out and relax!

California Adventure-Day 3

Today we went back out to Brentwood and had a playdate with Renee and some of her new friends that she has met! It was a lot of fun! It was all boys so David and Jonathan had a great time.  At one point I asked Renee where Jack was.  She was calling and calling for him but no answer so she went upstairs to find him and there he was on the top bunk of someones bed laying down with his hand behind his head! We laughed so hard about that one! We were getting ready to leave and we went outside to round-up the boys to discover that Jack had stepped in dog poop with his shoes on while David stepped in dog poop with his bare feet! So we hosed them off and went home to Renee’s house for nap time! Renee I thought it would be cute to have David and Jack nap in the same twin bed together.  You could hear them laughing and playing but then we heard screaming and yelling.  We run up there to find Jack saying “I sorry, I sorry, I sorry” and David crying because Jack bit him! Oops probably not so smart on the Moms part! So we separated them and they slept for a bit.  When they got up they played outside for a while and then David bit Jack and then I guess they decided they were even!  The boys ate dinner there and then we headed back to my Parents house.  I gave the boys baths and put them to bed.  After they were in bed asleep then I went to Pleasanton to help my friend Tannya with wedding preparations.  We hung out and drank some wine and had some good laughs!  I got to bed about midnight which is so past my bedtime!

California Adventure-Day 2

Well the boys woke up nice and early as usual! My Mom made us pancakes and we just hung out and the boys played until my sister, Jack and Colton came over! It was so good to see them.  This was the first time that I have met Colton.  He is so adorable and he has the sweetest face! He has no hair except for this small square patch on the back of his head and he has the most beautiful blue eyes! David and Jack picked up right where they left off! They played outside in the water and of course David was running around naked.  We soon learned that Jack is not as comfortable in the nude as David is but once he had a diaper on though he was fine! We let the boys play for a while and then headed out to Renee’s house in Brentwood so that I could pick up the car she is letting us use while we are here. 

As we were driving home from Renee’s house David was crying the whole way that he wanted his Dada and that he wanted to go home! His first couple of days were tough for him but I think he getting more and more comfortable.  When we got to my Parents house the electricity was out so it was cold mac and cheese and pb&j for dinner!

After the boys had a bath and went to bed my Mom grilled steaks, sausage, and chicken for me and my Dad.  So we had some tasty meat, salad and a glass of wine while we watched a movie a chick flick-The Back Up Plan!  I feel asleep before the movie was over of course so I never saw how it ended!

California Adventure-Day 1

Well today is August 23rd and me and the boys are leaving for 3 weeks to California! I can’t believe that this day has finally arrived! I am really excited but nervous to be gone from Brian for so long and for the boys to be away from their dad for so long but it will be worth the trip.  Today I just finished packing and we just hung out at home soaking up our last couple of hours together!

When we got to the airport they asked for proof of Jonathan’s date of birth.  Oops! So I had to have his pediatrician fax something over on their letterhead with his date of birth! Well as that was coming through the fax she said if I had their shot records I could use that to prove his birthday and what do you know I had that in my purse! She also gave brian a pass to stay with me until our plane left which came in so handy to have him there.  When we went through security I beeped when I went through because of my pump so they had to wand and pat me down while I was holding Jonathan and Brian had David, the double stroller, two bags, and a car seat! I can’t imagine if I had done that on my own!

We ended up getting to the airport pretty early so we had awhile until we boarded.  We let the boys run around and we got an early dinner.  We ended up running into a friend that I knew from my highschool youth group days and Brian knew from his highschool youth group days and he happened to be on my same flight! Small world!

The flight was a piece of cake! It was a fast 4 hours! David watched movies, colored and read books and Jonathan fussed for a bit, slept and played! When we landed I had to get both boys in the double stroller, carry both bags, my purse, and the car seat! Luckily it was not that bad and my mom was right there when we got off the elevator at the baggage claim area!

We got to my parents house and the boys played for a bit and then it was bath time and then bed time!  It feels great to be back in California with my family!

Summer Days!

It is already August and I can’t believe where the time has gone! We have tried to keep ourselves busy doing things that are either free or cheap or places that have air conditioning or that involves water! We have had a lot of play dates with friends and have made a couple of trips to the rec pool! I have learned that my boys have no fear of the water.  They are like their Momma! I think they are going to be great swimmers!!

David is just getting so big! It is amazing how fast they grow.  People always tell you that,  but then when  it happens to you it is like a huge surprise.  David amazes me everyday in the new things that he says and how he expresses himself.  He is growing into a little independent boy with a personality.  The other day he was playing around in my closet and he found this accordion type folder and he asked me to open it because he needed to check his email!!! I thought that was the funniest thing ever.  Later that night he was sitting in a chair reading a coloring book and Brian asked him what he was doing and he told him he was checking his email! Their minds and imagination is a joy to experience.  He is starting to now take toys and have them interact with each other, of course they are always pretend fighting and wrestling but boys will be boys! I must say that he is an awesome big brother! He loves his boom boom and takes such good care of him! We are slowly but surely trying to get the potty training thing underway.  He has pooped in the toilet once or twice and peed in the toilet at a friends house of course when I was not their.  I think we will really start the potty training when we get back from California!

Jonathan will be turning 1 this month!! Oh my gosh like I said before where does the time go?  He also started walking this month.  He still crawls but will also stand up and walk around.  He is such a big squishy smiling joy! He has the most beautiful blue eyes and a smile to melt your heart.  He loves his dayday! He always wants to see where he is and what he is doing and playing with. Since David was brushing his teeth every night we had to get Jonathan a tooth brush so he could be like dayday!  He says momma, dadda, dayday, hello, he blows kisses, he says baba.  I am trying really hard to wein him off nursing and to start drinking milk.  I am doing both right now and trying to focus more on the milk.

Brian is doing great! Still plugging away at work.  We are hoping and praying that another store that is closer and bigger would open up for him but until then we are thankful he has a job!  He is still insistent that he grows his hair out.  He wants to be able to wear it pulled back.  I am so not a fan of long hair but I guess you only live once so hopefully he gets over the long hair thing quickly!!

Me I am doing great also! I head home to California in about 1.5 weeks and I am so excited! I can’t believe that it has been just under a year since we moved here to Tn.  Time sure has flown by.  I am doing my hardest and my best to get out there and meet people and develop good friendships.  I have a great group of girls that I am begining to do that with and I am really blessed.  It is hard because I want my sister here so bad and I keep thinking in my mind I need to find a friendship like that but nothing or no one could ever replace that friendship.  I am blessed beyond words to have her.  So California here we come! I can’t wait!

Ah yes the famous poocasso!! This is the work of David. This is the second time he has taken his diaper off and wiped it all over the walls.

Every Friday is cookie day at work! This boys loves cookies and makes a huge mess every time!

Morning cuddle time! Priceless!!